Redesign: Media Center
Media Center was a rich-media site that features the best daily photojournalism and videography from The Post and elsewhere. This redesign includes a mobile-first responsive approach that greatly simplifies the navigation and gives a larger showcase to the photos and videos that comprise the site across mobile, tablet and desktop platforms.
- Mobile-first, responsive design built withcustomized CSS framework adapted from Bootstrap and ZURB's Foundation.
- Custom WordPress backend for a scalable, more MVC-like approach to its structure.
- Javascript frameworks and plugins: Modernizr, jQuery, Packery and Handlebars.
- Responsive photo gallery built as custom WordPress plugin.
My contributions
- Worked with stakeholders to create the design and built live comps for the project.
- Helped develop the structure for the custom WordPress architecture, which was then programmed by our development team.
- Wrote all front-end code (HTML, CSS and Javascript) for site and custom plugins
- Currently scheduling moderated user-testing to gain user feedback on the design and functionality prior to launch.